AVS™ Detachable Flap, M4 Flat
In order to provide the best possible service to our customers, we ship all domestic purchases via UPS. Please note that while we do offer expedited service through UPS, in-stock orders are generally processed in 2-3 business days.
Items not in-stock at the time of order will automatically be put on backorder status and shipped when available. Orders will be partially shipped unless specified by the customer. The customer is responsible for all shipping charges.
We do ship to our valued customers at APO/FPO locations but do so only using USPS.
We will gladly accept any returns on the condition that the item includes all of the original packaging, instructions, receipt, return authorization, and has not been laundered. Returns will not be accepted on closeout items.
Items must be received within 60 days from date of purchase. It must be unused and undamaged. All returns will be carefully inspected before giving a refund, credit or exchange.
The customer is responsible for any and all shipping charges. Returns may be subject to a 10% restocking fee.
Contact us, or log in to your account to start a return: